Were You Born with the Wanderlust Gene? Signs to Tell

Nov 07, 2023 By Sean William

Some people enjoy going from one place to another, always busy with tours and travels, while others find it a hassle; those who appreciate the journey itself are the ones who truly appreciate the art of travel. If you're a true nomad at heart, you probably got restless just thinking about staying still for too long.

Who doesn't enjoy traveling? A person becomes more open to trying new things after traveling. Travel involves experiencing other cultures, their people, their food, and their customs. It enables us to understand and value not only our own culture but also the cultures of many other nations. So get your travel insurance and explore the world!

Do you genuinely enjoy traveling? Here are a few indicators of your passion for travel.

1. You Enjoy Preparation as Much as Exploration

A new location isn't enough of an adventure for individuals who see the globe as their playground. Additionally, regular travel improves your ability to plan, which might make other travel professionals green with envy. You look for cheap flights and hotels and read a lot of the recommended reading to get some ideas on how to save money on your trip. In addition, after returning home from a trip, you immediately begin making preparations for the next one, turning you into a Master Travel Planner.

2. The Travel Bag Is Always In Use

Your backpack has the same essentials at all times because the phrase "unpacking" doesn't appear in your vocabulary. It might be a map, a camera, or even just a sleeping bag. Moreover, if this is your fortunate travel bag, there's no point in unpacking it before your next trip.

3. Your Own and Other People's Companies Bring You Pleasure

Those who are most comfortable in their own company make the best travel companions. Being comfortable in one's own skin is important for making the most of one's time when waiting for flights or riding on a long bus ride.

4. Making Plans

You are the one who arranges the majority of travel arrangements among your friends. You also manage everything the majority of the time and you rush towards the travel bus.

5. Fascination

As soon as you learn about someone who has traveled somewhere, you become fascinated. In fact, you interrogate them by asking them a barrage of questions.

6. Strategy for Everything

You have a plan for everything, which is impressive. You know where to get an excellent and affordable hairdresser right before your flight, and you can reserve a taxi without getting ripped off. You've perfected the art of using your sky-mile points and navigating airport security in record time to guarantee yourself a seat on your connecting flight. You're not some sloppy wannabe, that's for sure; all of the above indicates that you're well-prepared for your trip.

7. Nap Anywhere

Good travelers can fall asleep anywhere, regardless of how luxurious the accommodations may seem. Again, getting about could be difficult because of traffic and other commuting issues, especially late at night. Therefore, readjusting is required for a restful night's sleep.

8. Craving for New Experiences

Do you find yourself eager to hear about exciting new experiences? It's possible that you were born to explore the world if you have an insatiable curiosity for new experiences and go headfirst into extreme activities like skydiving and paragliding.

9. A Reluctance to Settle Down

It's natural to have affection for the place we call a home, but if you're also restless and always up for an adventure, you might be a nomad at heart. Those who are born nomads tend to treat each new location like home. These places of worship tend to have a spiritual rather than a physical focus.

10. A Never-Ending Thirst for Tales

The best way to experience different places and cultures is through stories. Whether it's a book about an exotic princess or an account of a life-changing trip, fiction can transport us. If you've always had a voracious appetite for them, it's likely because you long to see the globe and create your own adventures.

11. Openness to Simplifying One's Life

Bringing a large trolley on a trip is annoying and inconvenient. Frequent fliers frequently pare down their vast collections of belongings to what can be carried in a backpack. If you are comfortable with the idea, go ahead.

12. A Wandering Imagination

You frequently find yourself daydreaming about faraway destinations, famous monuments, and the thrill of discovery. No matter how close or far away your next trip is, you still find yourself getting lost in travel blogs, reading up on places, and making plans. Your wanderlust isn't limited to physical locations; it also includes the gastronomic world. You believe that the best way to learn about a new culture is through its food, therefore you actively seek out local street food stands, hidden restaurants, and marketplaces. You have no fear of trying new foods and are often bringing back recipes and tales of delicious feasts.

13. Minimalist Pack master

You've mastered the art of packing for a trip. You have a knack for packing light, with the essentials and adaptable garments taking up the most space in your bag. You're good with just one bag, whether it's a backpack or a suitcase, because you know that traveling light gives you more freedom.

14. Local Influence

Getting to know the locals is a great approach to get the most out of your trip. You make the most of any opportunity to engage with the locals by purchasing goods from them on the street, learning a few phrases in their language, or taking part in their customs.

13. Off the Beaten Path

You'd rather explore little-known gems in far-flung places than visit the usual tourist attractions. You like the idea of exploring less-trodden areas and meeting locals, so you actively seek them out when you travel. You will have the most profound and unforgettable experiences when you venture off the established road.